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Upcoming Events

Events: Events

Graduation Day

3 July 2019

Our Pre School children will be taking part in their very own graduation ceremony.


Sports Day

3 July 2019

Our Pre-School children will be taking part in our annual Sports Day. Lots of exciting races and a celebratory ice cream afterwards!


Summer Fete

8 July 2019

We have lots of exciting activities planned for our Summer Fete this year, including:
- Adult and children's tombola;
- Guess the name of the teddy bear;
- A teddy bear adventure;
- Face painting;
- Arts and crafts activities;
- A cake stall
Everyone welcome

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Valentine's Day

14 February 2019

The children in the Baby Rooms had great fun exploring (and tasting!) their Valentine themed sensory play.

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Christmas Sing-a-long

20 December 2018

Start practicing those carols as we would like to invite you to our annual Christmas Sing-a-long!


Starting at 17:00, the children, practitioners and parents will be singing some well known Christmas carols before the children in our Toddler and Pre-School Rooms perform a carol of their own. 

Mince pies along with teas and coffees will be served afterwards. 



12 December 2018

The Christmas season is getting underway with a visit by our Pre-School children to The Swan Theatre to see the pantomine Maid Marian and the Merry Men.

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